Sunday, April 24, 2011

A new year! Jan. 2011

January was another CRAZY month. One night the first of the month, Rory had just headed off to work, and I was trying to get the kids into bed when all of a sudden I got the worst pain in my stomach/chest. It felt like heartburn on steroids, and nothing was helping it. After about 20 minutes, I had to call in backup. Mom and dad came over and helped me with the kids while I hunched over the counter, and curled up in a ball on the bed. Nothing was helping and then about 1:00am I decided to finally head to the hospital. Of course, after we got the kids all loaded up, the pain started to subside, but we decided to go anyways. Rory met us there, and after 3 hours of waiting in the ER, we got the diagnosis that it was the stomach flu! WHAT!??! So we headed home, and Rory went back to work. Thank heavens for my parents though who took Ethan and let him sleep over. Jacob was precious and was a good baby for us in the hospital while we waited. Well, fast forward two weeks, and more attacks, and two additional Dr. appointments and I was sitting in the waiting room of the hospital ready for surgery. My gallbladder had stones and needed to be taken out. Emotionally I was a mess. I mean, Jacob was only about 5 weeks old, and I couldn't care for him because of the surgery. Rory was AMAZING, and took a few days off work, and became my support. He cared for the kids, and made sure I took my pain pills, etc. What a lucky girl I am to have him. Mom and dad came over and helped what they could too. Recovery seemed like it took forever but it really didn't. It took about 4 weeks to actually feel completely whole again.
Between the gallbladder attacks, surgery and the pain meds, i don't remember a whole lot about the month. lol. But here's a few pics of the month.

This two pics are priceless. Rory took them because if i was in the room, my first thought wouldn't be, "i need to take a picture!" lol 1/02/11
This pic just shows how much Ethan loves Jacob. He fell asleep holding his hand.1/21/11
 Shopping at Wal-mart. I don't even know how he can sleep like this! haha. 1/25/11
 I just love his chubby cheeks, and little double chin in this picture. 1/31/11

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