Sunday, April 24, 2011

My lucky charms March 2011

Not a whole lot happened in March, just everyday life and issues with the IRS. Here's some pics!
 This was the first time I put him in the bebe pod. He did good for just a minute or two, then was slumped off to the side. 3/4/11

 We brought him a little playmat, and he LOVES it. I had one for Ethan when he was little, and he didn't like it at all, so I sold it. Jacob is the complete opposite. He loves watching the lights, and trying to reach the toys. 3/7/11
We went shopping, and these shades looked too cool on E-man. 3/7/11
This has to be the best pic of the month. While we were ALL napping, Ethan woke up before the rest of us, and decided to draw. Awww, brotherly love.3/11/11
Spending a day at grandma's. He's such a happy little guy. 3/17/11
Jacob never has like pacifiers, but what he CONSTANTLY does is suck on his bottom lip. It is so cute. I'm just waiting for the day that he'll suck on it so much that it leaves a hickey. haha  3/21/11
 Ethan had to try out the seat. I was surprised that he could even get his booty in there. 3/26/11

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