Saturday, April 30, 2011
Jacob's laugh
Jacob's laugh has to be one of my favorite things ever. Here's a short video of me tickling him. I had him really laughing before I got the camera. (of course!)
Jacob's first Easter was fabulous! We celebrated early with my family because Rory started his first weekend shift. (YAAAY! No more graveyard!!!) Anyhow we had the Easter bunny come early, and Ethan was ecstatic when he found the baskets for him and Jacob.

After he sorted through all the baskets and had his breakfast of candy, (don't judge me lol) we decided it was time to color some eggs! Ethan did an excellent job, but he mostly just wanted to dye all the eggs blue.
Jacob was a happy little guy through all the dying and just jumped around in his jumperoo. He loves it!!
After all the fun at our house, we loaded up our jeep and headed over to grandma's. Woohoo! We had an amazing dinner and Ethan had a little egg hunt inside the house. Jacob and him also got some nice little baskets filled with all sorts of goodies from Gran!
Of course it's Easter and it just wouldn't be right to not have any peeps. Of course, all of us hate eating peeps, so I found another way to enjoy them without actually ingesting them! I love having internet to give me all these crafty ideas!
The Saturday before Easter while Rory was working, our neighborhood had an egg hunt at our little 'park' (I wouldn't really call it a park, but it's a nice grassy hill) Ethan had a blast and got even guessed it, CANDY!! I think he now has a year supply, which I need to find a very good hiding place for!!!
Here he's getting all amped up before the egg hunt starts!
Jacob was loving being outside!
April Showers, and all that...
Because it is April and I live in the pacific northwest, we get a lot of rain in the spring. One of these rainy days, I let Ethan give me a 'makeover'. I tell you, I could hardly recognize myself afterwards. lol
Eye Shadow.... okay not too bad....
Notice blue eyeshadow ended up on my forehead, and he's put bronzer on my neck...
The finished product. This picture just doesn't do my makeover justice! The next pictures are just a few favorites from the month again. :)
Ethan actually pulled Jacob's car seat over so Jacob could watch TV with him in the playroom.
Jacob is getting so big! I can hardly believe it! At his 4 month checkup he weighed 16lb 7 oz, and was 26 1/2 in. long. He's already growing out of his 6-9 month clothes, and we're starting to pull out some 12 month clothes!!!! He's also added two little bottom teeth on the 15th of this month!
Sucking on that lip again!! haha
It amazes me just how much Ethan loves Jacob. Granted some days he is a pest and bugs Jacob, but most days he's trying to make him smile, smothering him with kisses and hugs, or just telling me how much he loves having a little brother. Monday, April 25, 2011
never too many pics.
Here's a bunch of pics I found on my computer. Yaay! I thought that I had lost them for good!
Fresh and clean out of the bath. 1/08/11
One of the quickest ways to calm him down was this wonderful washer. It might not do a very good job of cleaning our clothes, but it does an excellent job of putting Jacob to sleep. 1/30/11
This pic was taken on his blessing day. 2/6/11. I'm sad I didn't get more pics than this.
My three favorite boys!!!! 3/14/11
Jacob has really started loving his swing. He always liked it, but now when he see's the lights and bears overhead he'll start cooing and smiling at them. It's precious! 3/21/11
Fresh and clean out of the bath. 1/08/11
One of the quickest ways to calm him down was this wonderful washer. It might not do a very good job of cleaning our clothes, but it does an excellent job of putting Jacob to sleep. 1/30/11
This pic was taken on his blessing day. 2/6/11. I'm sad I didn't get more pics than this.
My three favorite boys!!!! 3/14/11
Jacob has really started loving his swing. He always liked it, but now when he see's the lights and bears overhead he'll start cooing and smiling at them. It's precious! 3/21/11
Sunday, April 24, 2011
My lucky charms March 2011
Not a whole lot happened in March, just everyday life and issues with the IRS. Here's some pics!
This was the first time I put him in the bebe pod. He did good for just a minute or two, then was slumped off to the side. 3/4/11
We brought him a little playmat, and he LOVES it. I had one for Ethan when he was little, and he didn't like it at all, so I sold it. Jacob is the complete opposite. He loves watching the lights, and trying to reach the toys. 3/7/11
We went shopping, and these shades looked too cool on E-man. 3/7/11
This has to be the best pic of the month. While we were ALL napping, Ethan woke up before the rest of us, and decided to draw. Awww, brotherly love.3/11/11
Spending a day at grandma's. He's such a happy little guy. 3/17/11
Jacob never has like pacifiers, but what he CONSTANTLY does is suck on his bottom lip. It is so cute. I'm just waiting for the day that he'll suck on it so much that it leaves a hickey. haha 3/21/11
Ethan had to try out the seat. I was surprised that he could even get his booty in there. 3/26/11
This was the first time I put him in the bebe pod. He did good for just a minute or two, then was slumped off to the side. 3/4/11
We brought him a little playmat, and he LOVES it. I had one for Ethan when he was little, and he didn't like it at all, so I sold it. Jacob is the complete opposite. He loves watching the lights, and trying to reach the toys. 3/7/11
We went shopping, and these shades looked too cool on E-man. 3/7/11
This has to be the best pic of the month. While we were ALL napping, Ethan woke up before the rest of us, and decided to draw. Awww, brotherly love.3/11/11
Spending a day at grandma's. He's such a happy little guy. 3/17/11
Jacob never has like pacifiers, but what he CONSTANTLY does is suck on his bottom lip. It is so cute. I'm just waiting for the day that he'll suck on it so much that it leaves a hickey. haha 3/21/11
Ethan had to try out the seat. I was surprised that he could even get his booty in there. 3/26/11
My birthday month, Feb 2011
February was a fairly uneventful month, other than Valentines day, and my birthday. For valentines, Rory and me got to go out on our first date since Jacob was born. It wasn't much of a date, just breakfast at The Breakfast Nook, but it was great to have one on one time. Since Rory had just worked a graveyard shift, we just ate then went home. But we'll take whatever we can get. On my birthday, Rory got us tickets to the Chiefs hockey game. We went out to eat before hand at my favorite restaurant (Red Robin, yummm) and then headed to the game. The seats we got were excellent, and the game was great. Ethan really loved it, and somehow Jacob even slept there despite the noise! Although, everytime I'm at a hockey game, I can't help but think that the puck is going to go right over the barrier and knock out some of my teeth. I think I've watched to many youtube, video's or bloopers. lol. So it was a great month, and Jacob is growing like a weed!!! At his two month checkup he was 12 lbs 11oz, and 25 1/2 inches tall!
Here's a pic of two of my favorite sleepyheads. 2/2/11
Playing the guitar. I honestly did NOT put his hands like this. 2/4/11
These are two of the best first smiles that I actually got caught on film. The other smiles, my camera just wasn't fast enough.2/13/11
I love, love, LOVE this picture. I think it is one of my absolute favorites!!! 2/22/11
Jacob really loves his grandma. She can really get him smiling. 2/23/11
Here's one pic of Ethan at the hockey game. He was a little wired from the cotton candy though. lol 2/26/11
Here's a pic of two of my favorite sleepyheads. 2/2/11
Playing the guitar. I honestly did NOT put his hands like this. 2/4/11
These are two of the best first smiles that I actually got caught on film. The other smiles, my camera just wasn't fast enough.2/13/11
I love, love, LOVE this picture. I think it is one of my absolute favorites!!! 2/22/11
Jacob really loves his grandma. She can really get him smiling. 2/23/11
Here's one pic of Ethan at the hockey game. He was a little wired from the cotton candy though. lol 2/26/11
A new year! Jan. 2011
January was another CRAZY month. One night the first of the month, Rory had just headed off to work, and I was trying to get the kids into bed when all of a sudden I got the worst pain in my stomach/chest. It felt like heartburn on steroids, and nothing was helping it. After about 20 minutes, I had to call in backup. Mom and dad came over and helped me with the kids while I hunched over the counter, and curled up in a ball on the bed. Nothing was helping and then about 1:00am I decided to finally head to the hospital. Of course, after we got the kids all loaded up, the pain started to subside, but we decided to go anyways. Rory met us there, and after 3 hours of waiting in the ER, we got the diagnosis that it was the stomach flu! WHAT!??! So we headed home, and Rory went back to work. Thank heavens for my parents though who took Ethan and let him sleep over. Jacob was precious and was a good baby for us in the hospital while we waited. Well, fast forward two weeks, and more attacks, and two additional Dr. appointments and I was sitting in the waiting room of the hospital ready for surgery. My gallbladder had stones and needed to be taken out. Emotionally I was a mess. I mean, Jacob was only about 5 weeks old, and I couldn't care for him because of the surgery. Rory was AMAZING, and took a few days off work, and became my support. He cared for the kids, and made sure I took my pain pills, etc. What a lucky girl I am to have him. Mom and dad came over and helped what they could too. Recovery seemed like it took forever but it really didn't. It took about 4 weeks to actually feel completely whole again.
Between the gallbladder attacks, surgery and the pain meds, i don't remember a whole lot about the month. lol. But here's a few pics of the month.
This two pics are priceless. Rory took them because if i was in the room, my first thought wouldn't be, "i need to take a picture!" lol 1/02/11
This pic just shows how much Ethan loves Jacob. He fell asleep holding his hand.1/21/11
Shopping at Wal-mart. I don't even know how he can sleep like this! haha. 1/25/11
I just love his chubby cheeks, and little double chin in this picture. 1/31/11
Between the gallbladder attacks, surgery and the pain meds, i don't remember a whole lot about the month. lol. But here's a few pics of the month.
This two pics are priceless. Rory took them because if i was in the room, my first thought wouldn't be, "i need to take a picture!" lol 1/02/11
This pic just shows how much Ethan loves Jacob. He fell asleep holding his hand.1/21/11
Shopping at Wal-mart. I don't even know how he can sleep like this! haha. 1/25/11
I just love his chubby cheeks, and little double chin in this picture. 1/31/11
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