During first part of October, we noticed that Jacob's hernia was popping out quite a bit so we took him into the pediatrician who then referred us to a pediatric surgeon. I cannot tell you how scary that was for me as a mother. When we got to the hospital for the first time, the dr was really quick. Just a few minutes and he said that Jacob did in fact need surgery. I couldn't believe it. Here Jacob is 10 months old, and he needs to have surgery! It was scheduled for the next week, but as fate would have it, Jacob got sick so we had to reschedule. The new date was October 19th at Sacred Heart Children's Hospital. The day started out pretty typical. We had arranged for Ethan to go to his school for a full day that day and dropped him off a little earlier than usual. Jacob was happy as he could possibly be with having had no food. (Saying that he loves food is a bit of an understatement. He does unfortunately get that trait from me.) After being admitted, we had to wait around for about another hour or so filled with more paperwork and vitals.Jacob didn't mind. Where it was a childrens hospital, they had cartoons on (which was of no interest to him) and had tons of toys (again, not really interesting him). They did however have a little car that he was able to get into and push around. It was pretty darn cute.

We got called back to get him all dressed and ready for the surgery. We stripped him down and put on his gown. It was so sad to see him in that. Even though the surgery was not serious or complicated, a child that young should never have to put that on. They gave him a little oxygen mask to play with and that kept him content for a little while.
It was difficult for both of us waiting in this room. We both wanted comfort and closeness, but I could not nurse him until after. Dad had to take over after a little bit, and gave him lots of loves.
Once he was taken back, we were told it would take about an hour and if we wanted, we could leave then come back. Neither of us could stand the thought of leaving, so we ran down to a vending machine then came right back and sat in the waiting room. It took about 45 minutes and then we were taken back to post op. The dr said that when they got in there, they had found 3 hernias and the muscle was so thin that they had to just cut it, and stretch the muscle together. It broke my heart seeing him attached to all the monitors, and IV. He was a little bit awake and fussing. We went home after about another hour and drugged Jacob up. Here he is that night. There's my sweet smiles!!
They were able to just make one cut in the crease of his belly button, so you won't be able to see a scar. |
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