So everything here has been pretty crazy with work, Ethan's been sick, Rory's been looking for a new job, etc. But just this last Tuesday was my birthday, and even though I had to go to work, it was a good day. My co-workers sang happy birthday to me, and I was able to cut out of work a little early, which is always nice. When I got home, mom stopped by and brought me a birthday cake which was a bit of a surprise.
When we were lighting the candles, Ethan kept trying to blow them out before they were all even lit. He was just so excited! It was really cute.

Then Rory took me out to dinner to a new restaurant in town. (Mom had given me a gift card there for my b-day) It was really good. We got home and Rory said he hadn't had time to get me anything, so we left again and drove to wal-mart where he bought me a hot pink ipod. (WOOHOO!) Now on my half hour commute each morning
and evening, I have a good selection of tunes and podcasts. So it was a great birthday.Thanks to everyone for the great birthday wishes!!!
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