Saturday, June 11, 2011

6 months old!!!!

I can't believe how fast time has flown by with Jacob. He is now 6 months old, and I can't imagine life without him. Our family is so crazy about him, and love every second.

So at Jacob's dr. appointment this week he weighed 19.9 lbs, and was 27.75 inches long. Of course that's in the 90 & 95th percentiles! He's such a big boy! He is wearing 18 months clothing now, and is just growing like a little weed.

He loves being in his jumperoo, and sometimes is just so content with the sway that it puts him right to sleep. I never want to move him though, afraid to wake him up. He doesn't sleep very good during nap times, but does excellent during the night. Ethan is still doing pretty great as a big brother. He loves cuddling up to him when he's sleeping. (No wonder he doesn't nap very well) They will lay on my bed and just hold hands. It's so sweet!
 I just had to put this picture in. Jacob doesn't really suck on his fingers much unless he's teething, and he has been teething like crazy. He fell asleep chewing on his thumb. On a side note, he now has 4 teeth. All of them are on the bottom front.

1 comment: said...

Well, it sounds like they are just taking after their Daddy in more ways than one. I could not have ask for a better little boy.( with some minor issues lol) I think Jacob has him beat size wise though, it's hard to remember back that far. He was always fun and loving. He's an awesome big brother, for the most part. You have to remember who his sister Is. She can be pretty mean. He thinks the world of her though. Their Momma is pretty awesome in her own right. It shows in the boys. I'm proud of you all and to call you mine. Love ya Lil' Momma