These next couple pics are from the zoo and aquarium. I would say Ethan like the aquarium better than the zoo, but seeing the animals was kind of difficult. They don't really have it set up for smaller kids, and so you can barely see over the railings.

Watching the elephants at the zoo.

Checking out all the cool fish

In this tank, there was an octopus Ethan was watching. I think he wanted it to come out from under the rock, but it wasn't going to. On Monday, we were able to meet up with Raven and her kids before we headed out. Raven had just gotten back from Southern Idaho on Sunday night from her dad's funeral, so I was really excited to see her. It had been almost 4 years! Way to long to go without seeing such a good friend!

These last couple pictures were taken on the way home. I was trying to entertain myself.

I really love this man!