Life here has been pretty crazy as usual. The last month went by really fast! Anyways, there have been some changes since the last post. Rory has been working at a new job and is doing great, and we've since moved Ethan out of daycare into a friends home.He's doing a lot better at the new place, which takes a LOT of stress and worry off me. He was still having a lot of separation anxiety (and mommy too) and he wasn't eating or sleeping very well at the daycare. Not only that, but since Ethan has been in daycare he has been a sick little guy.

Two weeks ago, I took him to the doctor and they said he had a sinus infection, ear infection, and pink eye. (this was in ONE visit) So we had to put him on some antibiotics. The dr. said that when kids go to daycare they have to have like this initiation where they get sick with everything....well that's what we've experienced. He got feeling better and we finished up his medicine, then three

days later, (this last wednesday) he started running a fever again. His temperature has been like 102 on average. So I ended up taking him back to the dr. yesterday and she wasn't sure what was going on with him. It wasn't a full ear infection, she tested for RSV, and the Flu and both were coming up negative. So we're just trying to wait out this weekend to see if he gets any better.

Monday he will have to get his ears checked again, so we'll see what they say. Last night My parents and us went out to dinner, and towards the end, ethan just sat cuddled up to all of us. He was just not up to anything. Here's a couple pictures. My poor baby! I hope he gets feeling better soon!!!!