Saturday, January 31, 2009
new job
So as I said last time, I've been looking for a job and haven't been able to get one because of the insane amount of people looking for jobs....well thursday must've been my lucky day. In the morning, we went to get our taxes done, and found out we were going to get hardly anything back from federal, and we owed the state! So I was a little down, then on my way to pry money from some late renters, my accountant called and said she found a great deduction we can we'll get a better return. So that boost my spirits. Later I stopped at a gas station, filled up with gas and decided to buy a lotto ticket. I won $10! It's not much, but every dollar helps! So I was feeling even better about things. We got home and was just hanging out that evening when I got a call on my phone. When I answered, it was the invesitgations company calling me and offering me the job and to start on Monday. WOW! I didn't see that one coming! First of all because they were having a hard time getting references for me..(long story) second, because I've had no experience in that area of work. So I called mom up and told her..she didn't sound so excited, and I know what she's thinking. Because I have anxiety, I'm not going to make it there. But I'm going to try my hardest. Dad was excited for me when I talked to him, and so was Rory. (not to mention surprised) The hardest part of this all though, is taking Ethan to daycare. I trust that it's a good place, but their not mom, and so it's just different. I'm going to miss my little man like crazy! I don't know how working moms do it. I guess we just have to tough it out, to do what has to be done. I'm trying to keep positive about all this, but honestly I'm a little freaked out. Mondays coming up fast, so I'll let you know how it goes!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
catchin up
I thought that this video was hilarious, so I just had to post it. I think this was around new years day or so. The pic below ethan was sitting in his high chair watching Kung Fu Panda (one of his favorite movies, and mine) and he dozed off. I thought it was precious.

Here's one of Ethans favorite ways to make a mess. The picture looks really good, but actually daddy drew it, and Ethan's just filling it in. He loves coloring, drawing, and painting now.

As far as an update on our lives....Rory's hours have been cut back at work which has been pretty stressful for me. I like having Rory around more, but the lack of money is killing us. So, I've been job hunting. There's been a couple interviews, but so many people are out of jobs now that it's super tough competition! There's a couple jobs, one at an insurance agency, and another at a private investigations office I'm waiting to hear back from. Wish me luck! Whatever the outcome I'm sure is meant to be. It still breaks my heart though to put Ethan in a day care. I'm so used to having him with me 24-7 that it will be a big adjustment for both of us.
I thought that this video was hilarious, so I just had to post it. I think this was around new years day or so. The pic below ethan was sitting in his high chair watching Kung Fu Panda (one of his favorite movies, and mine) and he dozed off. I thought it was precious.

Here's one of Ethans favorite ways to make a mess. The picture looks really good, but actually daddy drew it, and Ethan's just filling it in. He loves coloring, drawing, and painting now.

As far as an update on our lives....Rory's hours have been cut back at work which has been pretty stressful for me. I like having Rory around more, but the lack of money is killing us. So, I've been job hunting. There's been a couple interviews, but so many people are out of jobs now that it's super tough competition! There's a couple jobs, one at an insurance agency, and another at a private investigations office I'm waiting to hear back from. Wish me luck! Whatever the outcome I'm sure is meant to be. It still breaks my heart though to put Ethan in a day care. I'm so used to having him with me 24-7 that it will be a big adjustment for both of us.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Girls weekend
This weekend my mom came over to my house and we took off for a beauty/spa show in spokane. It was so much fun! They had different booths set up, and you could get little treatments done. I got a paraffin wrap on my hands, which was my favorite, then got a foot soak/scrub, then a five minute back massage that was just too short! But it was great spending time with mom. It was a nice break even though money is tight, and I really enjoyed myself. So, thanks mom for going with me, and not deciding to stay home!
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