This year christmas was pretty fun. It was great seeing how Ethan reacted to santa coming in the night, filling his stocking, and leaving lots of presents under the tree. Ethan got pretty spoiled, not only by Santa, but by his grandparents too! He got a train set, elmo legos, a shopping cart with food in it, an aquadoodle, and a coloring book with special markers that only write on special paper. (woo hoo for my walls!!!!) He got a truck from grammy A that he tottally loves, and I've constantly got the song, "who let the dogs out" in my head! ( I"m sure you're laughing anita!) Rory got a couple movies, a thumb drive for his music, a book with a bunch of local bike trails, and lots of chocolate. Rory got me a sweater,a movie, a couple cds that I love, and a gift card to borders. (he know's I'm such a nerd when it comes to books!) I know I'm missing some things, but you get the idea that we had a very blessed christmas.

After we had our special christmas morning, we headed over to my parents house for some breakfast, ( I guess it was more like lunch because we didn't eat until noon) After eating, we opened up gifts, and I just have to post this video of Ethan opening his gifts. You can tell he definately prefers toys to clothes.Overall, it was a very merry Christmas, and we hope it was for everyone else too!