Yesterday we decided to get out of the house, and go to a little farm that's in our town. They have animals there that you can feed, and pumpkins to pick. We figured Ethan would be in heaven so we bundled up and headed out. We got there and got the food to feed the animals, and the first animal we came up to was a couple of big turkeys. Ethan kept poking his finger out, and we were worried it would get bit. We gave the turkey crackers, then headed on to the next, which was the pigs.

The pigs weren't so nice though. Ethan again put his finger in the fence, and one of the pigs bit it!!! I couldn't believe it. I didn't know pigs bite!? Anyhow, it was a little tramatizing for him, but he got over it as soon as we headed over to some other animals. We saw chickens, ducks, geese, sheep, goats, turkeys, rabits, some dogs, horses, and a mule.
It was great feeding them. I think Ethan's favorite was the horses.

When we were through feeding, we got a red wagon and headed out for a pumpkin. Ethan loved the wagon, and didn't want to get out. I tried to get some cute pics of us in the pumpkin patch, but Ethan wasn't cooperating, and was just throwing a fit to get back in the wagon. But we found a pumpkin that was just Ethan's size.
It was great spending time on the farm. It made me really miss living in the country! I think the picture of Rory and Ethan is the best one of them all. They had this old swing, and of course Ethan couldn't balance on it, and wanted off, but it was still super cute.