It has finally started warming up around here and even though I prefer the cold (well, not cold, but cooler) weather, it has been nice to take the kids out to play. Jacob loves loves, LOVES being outside and our backyard is typically the gathering place for all the neighborhood kids. (we have to closest big swing set) Here's Ethan with one of his buddies. He always tell me that he thinks Katie is 'just so beautiful'. :)

But the last couple weeks have been the same as usual around here. Rory has been working his tail off, Ethan has been playing like crazy, and Jacob has been busy growing! He's getting huge! I already have him wearing 18-24 mo. clothes and he's only 7 months old today! I love that little guy to pieces though. He's been having some major constipation issues since starting the solids, but after a painful couple days and a couple suppositories, we're back on the right track. Whew! He's getting tons of teeth too. I think the last count yesterday was 8, but he's been fussy, so there might be more on the way! I really hope not though, otherwise he's going to be weaned! I can't take this biting anymore! OUCH! Here's some more super cute pics from June. Ethan went in and laid on the bed with Jacob one day and fell asleep cuddling.You can't really see it in the picture, but Jacob has his arm around Ethans neck. How sweet!

Then, on another day Jacob was sleeping again on the bed, and I heard Ethan wake him up. (this happens pretty frequently unfortunately) I didn't hear any other crying or anything, so I thought he must've gone back to sleep. After a few minutes, I went in to check on him and this is what I saw.
Do you see Jacob's little hand up on the top? lol
At least Ethan left him a little hole to breathe out of! When I asked Ethan what he was thinking, he just said that Jacob was wanting to play with his toys. Silly boy! I tell you, it seems like everyday is an adventure with these two!