Ethan had a special birthday party on the 20th, even though his birthday was the 18th. He told me he wanted to have a special Thomas Birthday, and we had family and friends over to celebrate. I cannot believe he is already 3, but he's so much fun, and everyday he says/does something that just leaves me speechless. The only pictures I could find was of him opening up some of his gifts. He was definitely SPOILED ROTTEN!!!

So this year's Thanksgiving was pretty mellow. We went over to my mom's house late afternoon around 4 and started digging through our ads, planning the stops for the morning. The dinner was delicious (thanks momma for all the hard work in the kitchen), and I have to say that I think it was the quietest Thanksgiving I have ever had. But I enjoyed the time with my family nonetheless. After dinner, Rory was pretty tired from the graveyard shifts, and so he found a nice comfy (?) spot to take a nice little snooze while Ethan played with the little toys, and markers.

Here are the toys....

Here's from the markers.....

Notice anything at all in this pic? It's a little hard to tell, but if you look really close next to the wall......

Rory's comfy spot.......
The next day, I was among all of the crazies that got up before 5 am to try to hit the stores for the christmas deals. I love Christmas and buying for my family, and I LOVE BLACK FRIDAY!! I got some pretty good deals, but surprised myself when I got home and noticed the gifts I bought were all for ETHAN! Yikes! So needless to say, I still have a bunch of shopping left to do. :) (did I mention that I love shopping too?)