So I was thinking today, 'it has been a long time since I've added a blog.' When I came and looked, I can't believe the last pictures on here were from August! This have been pretty crazy and any extra time I've had, I've spent with the family or slept. The house has been a disaster, the laundry and sink has been overflowing, and meals have consisted of very processed foods. (aka ramen noodles, mac n cheese, etc.) But finally work has slowed way down and my hours have been cut from 45-50 hours a week to roughly 25-30 hours a week. All the while Rory has been working about 50 hour weeks as well. Poor Ethan has been neglected by his parents, and I plan on making it up to him these next couple months while work is slow. So there hasn't been a whole lot that we've done, but I'll post up some pics from yesterday. We went to Green Bluff, WA which is a group of small farms that have activities for families. We didn't do much there except walk around. It wasn't even close to what we expected..... After wards, we went to Kohls and did some shopping, which was a little more up my alley. Ethan thought he'd try on some hats. I can't believe he's getting so big.