Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Lil' kickers

This Spring Ethan was finally old enough to start the Lil' kickers soccer team.
Each Saturday for 5 weeks, they would meet up and practice for about a half an hour, then play a game with another team for about a half an hour. They didn't keep score, and it was just a way for the kids to learn the sport and have fun.

Getting ready for the kickoff.
Ethan really didn't care for the practice part. All he wanted to do was RUN! One day he was running and yelled out 'KA-CHOW' (like Lightening McQueen) and added an extra boost to his run.

He didn't really ever care much about kicking the ball though. All of the kids would get in a little bunch around the ball, and Ethan just treated it as a mosh pit or something. He would just bash his way around in there giggling the whole time. We tried telling him no pushing, but he just didn't listen to us. (He's good at that.)
He's pushing his teammate! Or just helping him along?
Finally though one Saturday, one of the parents on the other team got ticked off, and Ethan was kicked out of the game. Looking back now, it's kind of funny. I can't believe he got kicked out of a soccer game. He's 4 years old! I was trying to post a video, but for some reason it says that the server won't let me. Maybe I'll try again later!

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